
Wednesday 16 November 2022

1.2a Importance and Scope of Statistics


Importance and Scope of Statistics. 

In modern times, Statistics is viewed not as a mere device for collecting numerical data but as a means of developing sound techniques for their handling and analysis and drawing valid inferences from them. As such it is not confined to the affairs of the State but is interfering constantly into various diversified spheres of life-social, economic and political. It is now finding wide applications in almost all sciences-social as well as physical-such as biology, psychology, education, economics, business management, etc. It is hardly possible to enumerate even a single department of human activity where statistics does not creep in. It has rather become indispensable in all phases of human endeavour.

1. Statistics and Planning

Statistics is indispensable to planning. In the modem age which is termed as 'the age of planning', almost all over the world governments, particularly of the budding economies, are resorting to planning for the economic development. In order that planning is successful, it must be based soundly on the correct analysis of complex statistical data. In addition to that Modern states being welfare- oriented states, the collection of statistics is done to solve various problems and to frame suitable policies to solve these problems.

2. Statistics and Business

Statistics is an indispensable tool of production control also. Business executives are relying more and more on statistical techniques for studying the needs and the desires of the consumers and for many other purposes. The success of a businessman more or less depends upon the accuracy and precision of his statistical forecasting. Wrong expectations, which may be the result of faulty and inaccurate analysis of various causes affecting a particular phenomenon, might lead to his disaster. Suppose a businessman wants to manufacture readymade garments. Before starting with the production process he must have an overall idea as to 'how many garments are to be manufactured', 'how much raw material and labour is needed for that', and 'what is the quality, shape, colour size, etc., of the garments to be manufactured'. Thus the formulation of a produc tion plan in advance is a must which cannot be done without having quantitative facts about the details mentioned above.

Following are some of the typical application areas :

A). Quality Management: Statistical quality control (SQC) helps in separating the assignable causes from the chance causes. SQC techniques also help in reducing and stabilizing process variation that may reduce cost significantly.

B). Process Capability:  It enables us to find out whether the enterprise is capable of meeting customer specification. If it is not meeting customer requirements, then management has to take decisions regarding the modernization of plant, change the technology etc. to achieve process capability. Statistics plays crucial role in this field.

C). Finance : Through Financial ratio analysis,  Key financial ratios are worked out, by using the Balance sheet and income statement data, to know the financial health of an enterprise. Comparative statistical analysis reveals the performance of the company in the past years and the emerging trends in the future.

D). Cash Forecasting:  Financial analyst has to forecast cash requirements to meet short term obligations eg. payment of salary, working capital, payments to suppliers etc. statistical analysis helps in working out realistic cash forecasting.

E). Materials Management: Inventory level,  by using appropriate statistical methods one can maintain optimum inventory levels of raw materials and finished products and thus savings are made which impact the profit.

F). Quality assessment for incoming and outgoing items: Statistical sampling techniques help in ensuring quality of incoming and outgoing items. Raw materials and other items are checked for quality to meet customer's needs amd inspection of finished products is done on sample basis to reduce complaints from customers.

G). Marketing: Marketing research provides solutions to various problems involved in marketing goods, services or ideas. In this context systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of marketing data is done by using statistical methods. Marketing decisions involve the introduction of new product, reaction of consumers to price like, effectiveness of advertisement campaign etc...

H). Demand Projections: Short term and long term demand projections are required for the company products and services. These projections are required both for the domestic and international markets. Statistical surveys and analysis of the past time series data relating to industry provides reliable sales and demand projections.

 3. Statistics and Mathematics

Statistics and mathematics are very intimately related. Recent advancements in statistical techniques are the outcome of wide applications of advanced mathematics. Main contributors to statistics, namely, Bernouli, Pascal, Laplace, De-Moivre, Gauss, R. A. Fisher, to mention only a few. were primarily talented and skilled mathematicians. Statistics may be regarded as that branch of mathematics which provided us with systematic methods of analys- ing a large number of related numerical facts. According to Connor, "Statistics is a branch of Applied Mathematics which specialises in data." Increasing role of mathematics in statistical analysis has resulted in a new branch of Statistics called Mathematical Statistics.

4. Statistics and Industry

In industry, Statistics is very widely used in 'Quality Control', in production engineering, to find whether the product is conforming specifications or not, statistical tools, viz., inspection plans, control charts, etc., are of extreme importance. In inspection plans we have to resort to some kind of Sampling a very important aspect of Statistics.

5. Statistics and Economics

According to F.C.Mills, "Statistics is an Statistics and Economics. Statistical data and technique of statistical analysis have proved im.nensely useful in solving a variety of economic problems, such as wages, prices, analysis of time series and demand analysis. It has also facilitated the development of economic theory. Wide applications of mathematics and Statistics in the study of economics have led to the development of new disciplines called Economic Statistics and Econometrics. In the field of production, we can study the effect of certain incentives on production. Again, it is with the help of statistical techniques that we can know the effectiveness of economic policies on production.

 6. Statistics and Biology, Astronomy and Medical Science

The association between statistical methods and biological theories was first studied by Francis Galton in his work in 'Regression'. According to Prof. Karl Pearson, the whole 'theory of heredity' rests on statistical basis. He says, "The whole problem of evolution is a problem of vital statistics, a problem of longevity, of fertility, of health, of disease and it is impossible for the Registrar General to discuss the national mortality without an enumeration of the population, a classification of deaths and knowledge of statistical theory."

In astronomy, the theory of Gaussian 'Normal Law of Errors' for the study of the movement of stars and planets is developed by using the 'Principle of Least Squares'.

In medical science also, the statistical tools for the collection, presentation and analysis of observed facts relating to the causes and incidence of diseases and the results obtained from the use of various drugs and medicines, are of great importance. Moreover, the efficacy of a manufactured drug or injection or medicine is tested by using the 'tests of significance - (t-test).

7. Statistics and Psychology and Education

 In education and psychology, too, Statistics has found wide applications, e.g., to determine the reliability and validity of a test, 'Factor Analysis', etc., so much so that a new subject called 'Psychometry has come into existence.

8. Statistics and War

 In war, the theory of 'Decision Functions' can be of great assistance to military and technical personnel to plan 'maximum destruction with minimum effort'. Thus, we see that the science of Statistics is associated with almost all the sciences - social as well as physical. Bowley has rightly said, "A knowledge o Statistics is like a knowledge of foreign language or of algebra; it may prove of use at any time under any circumstance."

Reference: Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, S.C. Gupta and V.K. Kapoor

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